Holder benefits

OSHI Membership

Rewarding program for
our OSHI3 supporters

OSHI3 considers everyone who owns OSHI
and supports the project to be fellow project members.

We have started the OSHI Membership system
for everyone who supports the project by holding the crypto
asset OSHI on a regular basis, as well as those who will hold OSHI in the future.
OSHI Membership is a system that allows OSHI holders to receive various benefits.

The latest information on OSHI Membership will be announced on this page,
as well as on OSHI3 Official X and Discord.


Bonus details

We are planning various benefits such as limited NFTs for OSHI3 related services and items that can be used in the services of supporting companies.
*If the number is limited, they will be distributed by lottery.

update 8/23

This benefit is sponsored by "My Crypto Heroes".
"My Crypto Heros" is offering the special collaborattion version of "Tyrfing" from Phantom of the Kill-Alternative Imitation." Come and see "Tyfring" in the world of "My Crypto Heros."

update 8/23
  • Repost this post
  • Hold 1,000 OSHI in a WEB3 wallet (external wallet such as MetaMask, excluding exchanges) at the time of snapshot
  • Please fill out the application form with the information necessary for benefit distribution *Published on Official X

For this round, holders who have more than 5,000 OSHI at the time of the snapshot will be given priority to win.

  • When there are more than 100 holders of 5,000 OSHI or more
    Among those with more than 5,000 OSHI, the top 100 holders with the most possessions will win.
  • When there are less than 100 holders of 5,000 OSHI
    All holders of 5,000 OSHI or more are eligible to win.

The remaining rewards will be selected by lottery from holders of 1,000 OSHI or more.

  1. We will introduce the sponsored projects and inform you about the conditions for the number of tickets to be held.
    Repost this post
  2. We will take a snapshot to record the number of OSHI held.
    We will not notify you of the date in advance, so please prepare well in advance.
  3. The application form will be published after the snapshot is completed.
    Please enter the information necessary to receive the benefit.

We will distribute benefits to those who meet 1, 2, and 3 above.
Please note that if the number of benefits is limited, they will be distributed by lottery.

  • Those who do not have more than the predetermined amount of OSHI at the time of snapshot execution are not eligible for this system.
  • Those who meet all of the above conditions are eligible for this system.
  • OSHI holdings in crypto asset exchange/sales office accounts cannot be recorded as snapshots and are therefore not covered.
  • Snapshot dates will not be announced.
  • The information you fill out in the form will not be used for any purpose other than contacting you regarding this system and distributing benefits.
  • Please note that due to circumstances, the distribution of benefits may be significantly delayed.

Looking for sponsor companies!